Shot from the point of view of a newborn baby, Laid Down explores the chaotic world of a developing infant. Set over the first few months of life, dipping in and out of animated dream sequences, we encounter the turbulent relationship between the baby’s parents from the raw, emotional and preverbal perspective of the baby.
‘Very powerful and original. Unique, I expect. Very important!’
– Peter Lomas, Psychotherapist and author.
4th European Psychoanalytic Film Festival – opening film, London, 2007
Cambridge International Film Festival, 2008
Freud Museum, London, 2013
Also presented and discussed at:
6th RD Laing Conference, London, 2011
Screened as part of the psychotherapy training at the Tavistock Centre, London.
A dvd of the film is available to buy online
running time
15 mins